To welcome travelers from around the world who visit the Niseko region in search of the sweetest snow, this exhibition will introduce the works of Kiyoshi Saito, an artist whose woodblock prints drew inspiration from the snowy landscapes of his childhood.
斎藤清《会津の冬(82) 柳津》 Kiyoshi Saito , Winter in Aizu (82) Yanaizu 1989 ©Hisako Watanabe
会期 2025年1月11日(土)~2月16日(日)※ 毎週月曜日休館(ただし休日の場合は翌日休)
会場 ニセコ・有島記念館 小展示室
開館時間 9:00~17:00(最終入場16:30)
入場料 一般500円、高校生以下と65歳以上のニセコ町民は無料
主催 有島記念館、公益財団法人似鳥文化財団
協力 渡部久子
2025 January 11 – February 16(Closed on Mondays)
Arishima Takeo Memorial Museum
Hours 9:00-17:00 (Admission accepted up until 16:30)
Admission Adults 500yen , High school students and younger Free
“When the world is covered in snow, it is simplified and stripped of the superfluous, enabling us to sense the beauty of nature.” ――Kiyoshi Saito
Kiyoshi Saito was born in 1907 in the Fukushima prefecture town of Aizubange. After spending his boyhood in Yubari, he took an apprenticeship in Otaru at age 14 and began painting in his free time. He then left for Tokyo to pursue a career as an artist at the age of 24. In the post-war years, his artwork drew acclaim at home and abroad, making him one of Japan’s most recognized artists. His practice was also responsible for raising the global prominence of modern Japanese woodblock prints.
The exhibition will feature approximately 30 works from the collection of Otaru Art Base, focusing mainly on the “Winter in Aizu” series that was the artist’s life’s work. In addition, it will include pieces inspired by ancient cities like Kyoto and Kamakura, as well as those that depict the feline form.
Concurrent with the above, the museum will also host an exhibition of works by the illustrator Hideyuki Fujikura (1948-), all of which are drawn from the collection of the Arishima Museum. In the 1990’s, Fujikura was highly influenced by Saito’s “Winter in Aizu” series. His works use the hari-e technique of covering superfluous space with paper to depict the Hokkaido landscape. We hope you enjoy the experience of ‘traveling’ across Japan via the landscapes created by these two artists, both of whom have deep ties to Hokkaido.
■ 小樽観光協会によるイベント
日時 1月18日(土)10:00~17:00、1月19日(日)10:00~16:00
会場 有島記念館
① おたのしみガチャ抽選会
・特賞 おたPay5000円×10名×2日間にプレゼント
・A賞 あまとうマロンコロン1個
・B賞 ポストカード
② 小樽のおすすめスイーツ/水産加工品 販売
主催・お問い合わせ 小樽観光協会(0134-33-2510)
The Otaru Tourism Association is holding a two-day event
There will be a raffle for Cashless Payment 'Ota-Pay 5000 Yen' and Otaru products will be on sale. Please come along!
Date and time
18 Jan (Sat) 10:00-17:00
19 Jan (Sun) 10:00 - 16:00
Arishima Memorial Museum
Event content
1.Fun Gacha Raffle
Special prize : Ota-Pay(Cashless Payment) 5000 yen x 10 winners x 2 days
Prize A: 1 Amato Marron Coron (Crispy sablé coated with original chocolate)
Prize B: Postcard
2.Sale of Otaru's recommended sweets and processed seafood products.
Otaru Tourist Association (0134-33-2510)
■ 講話「小樽芸術村の見どころ」
日時 1月18日(土)14:00~15:00
定員 30名
会場 有島記念館講堂
■ 講話「斎藤清と藤倉英幸」
日時 2月8日(土)14:00~15:00
定員 30名
会場 有島記念館講堂
TEL 0136-44-3245
Arishima Takeo Memorial Museum
〒048-1531 57 Arishima, Niseko Town Abuta-gun, Hokkaido
Tel. 0136-44-3245
【開館時間 Hours】
9:00~17:00(入館は16:30まで Admission accepted up until 16:30)
【有島記念館休館日 Closed】
毎週月曜日(月曜日が休日の場合は翌日休館) Closed on Mondays
【有島記念館入場料 Admission】
一般500円(団体10名以上:400円) Adults 500yen , High school students and younger Free