Nitori company was founded and developed here in Hokkaido.
The Otaru Art Base was created as a means to repay our customers and community
for their continuous support throughout the years.
Ever since the stone wharf was built here in Ironai,
Otaru flourished as the gateway to Hokkaido and its economy,
where many banks, shipping companies, and merchants set up business around the early Showa period,
creating the foundation for development in Hokkaido.
Four buildings: former Arata Trading Co., former Takahashi Warehouses,
former Mitsui Bank Otaru Branch, and former Hokkaido Takushoku Bank Otaru Branch,
built during the early 20th Century, when Otaru prospered greatly,
form the stage on which excellent artwork and crafts from Japan and around the world
are exhibited in atmospheres unique to each building and time period.
It is our wish that by displaying these works of art and crafts in this manner,
they will be more accessible to viewers,
cultivating within each a sense of awe and sensitivity toward the wonderful world of arts and culture.
We aspire to become a location that proclaims the greatness of art and culture to the world.