Sustainability communication
Editing Policy
We have issued the 2023 Integrated Report to aid investors, shareholders, and other stakeholders’ understanding of our processes and potential for achieving a long-term, sustainable enhancement of our corporate value. In planning and structuring this Integrated Report, we have focused on communicating “expansion of our long-term sustainable growth and contribution to environmental, social, and economic sustainability,” while also referring to the disclosure framework provided by the International Integrated Reporting Council (IIRC).
Target Scope
We set as many domestic and foreign NITORI Group companies subject to consolidated financial statements as possible as the target of our reporting. However, depending on the item, the reporting target may differ.
Target Period
February 21, 2022 to March 31, 2023 In this report, the fiscal year ended March 31, 2023, is referred to as fiscal 2022 or FY2022. The Activity Report also includes some recent content.
]Latest report
Integrated Report
- All pages[63.1MB]
- Front cover[3.45MB]
- 1-2·9_Mission Statement & Vision, Contents & Editing Policy [8.69MB]
- 3-8_Top Message [4.59MB]
- 10_Current status of NITORI Group [358KB]
- 11-12_Highlight①(Overseas Strategy) [3.93MB]
- 13-19_Highlight②(Human Capital) [5.04MB]
- 20-22_Highlight③(Financial Strategy) [790KB]
- 23-42_Value Creation of NITORI Group [25.1MB]
- 43-68_Sustainability of NITORI Group [13.1MB]
- 69-70_Transition of Key Management Indicators [111KB]
- 71-74_Sustainability Data Book [271KB]
- 75-76_Financial & Company Data [294KB]
Past reports
Guideline Index
External Evaluation
The Company has been selected for inclusion in the FTSE Blossom Japan Sector Relative Index, an investment index composed of Japanese companies that excel in ESG (Environmental, Social and Governance) initiatives.
The Company received an “A” rating in the MSCI ESG Rating Assessment.